Tuesday, 20 December 2011

My Professional Development Plan.

My Goals                  
Since I am now studying degree level, I want more than nothing to graduate as soon  as possible, as I am so impatient to be a teacher.  I am the student of Bachelor in Chemistry Education at UPSI and as chemistry is my major, I took mathematics as my minor. I am very looking forward to learn more about chemistry especially in education field, in research studies and chemistry process skills studies.  I think  I am finally found my passion in education and I am looking forward for it. I want to be the the  best teacher for my students in order to change their mind set about chemistry, tell them that chemistry is a fun thing to learn and I want them to excel in their studies especially in chemistry and mathematics subject.

My Teaching Goals.
In the classroom, I hope I will not spoon-feed my students with the factual information or solely the contents. I want them to be independent in order for them to increase their knowledge. However, I am not going to be too strict with them, I want  to create a positive classroom environment with my students in order for them to studies better. I do not want them to be stress in my classroom and I want them to think that chemistry is a fun and interesting subject. 
In order to be an excellent teacher, I have to improve my teaching skills too. I will teach them using various simulations, and animations in order for them to study better. Instead of that, I want my students to think creative and critical ways. Emphasizing on student centered learning strategies, I will help my students to explore and develop their own skills, know about their advantage and improve themselves to be a better person. As a result, instead of excel in their studies, they they also learn to be a better person. 


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